Technology- Relaunch Plan

The table below would be the plan for my 8 lessons of create. It will show what to do and each would be given a specific time period for it to be completed in. The modification’s section would be where I explain what modifictions I have made to my plan while creating the product.

Class Time (min) Process Materials
1(14/03/2012) 10 Get to know the program 

  1. Open up iBuildApp website
  2. Sign in to the application with Facebook acccount
  3. Create an appliction named “Test”
  4. Play around with the program
  5. Get use to the program.

The pourpose  of this 10 minutes is to get use to using the program, figure out things like what it can or cant do, get to know where things are.

Computer, Internet access
60 Start creating the homepage of the final application

  1. Create a new application
  2. Start designing the homepage of the application
  3. Add appropriate pages

This section of the class would be used to create the main page of my application. The main page of this application would be most

10 Create blog post

  1. Take a screen shot of how far the application has been made
  2. Post on a new blog post
  3. Writie a summary of what has been done today

This blog post is for the pourpose of showing evidience that the product is created by me. It also gives me a chance to state the modifications that has been made to the plan from this first lesson.

2(14/03/2012) 20 Finish the homepage  

  1. Open up iBuildApp website
  2. Open up the application
  3. Add finishing touches to the application homepage


This section would be used to finish the homepage of the application. With this 80 minutes time frame (plus the 60 minutes of last lesson)

Computer, Internet access
60 Start creating the “Rules” page 

  1. Open up the rules page
  2. Change the format of the page to comply with the information
  3. Research and add information into the page

This would be the first of many pages that would be made in this application in this section

HOMEWORK(14/03/2012) 20 Finish creating “Rules” page 

  1. Add any aditional information to the rules page
  2. Research more information if needed

This section would give me sometime at home to finish off my rules page if I havent done so already.

Computer, Internet access
10 Create blog post

  1. Take a screen shot of how far the application has been made
  2. Post on a new blog post
  3. Writie a summary of what has been done today

This blog post is for the purpose of showing evidience that the product is created by me. It also gives me a chance to state the modifications that has been made to the plan from this second lesson.

3(21/03/2012) 50 Start and finish creating “What is it?” page

  1. Create page from the home page of the application
  2. Set page style as a HTML
  3. Write a summary of what MUN is about

This would be the section that helps the user get an overview of what MUN is. The shor summary of MUN would be very appling to the target audience therefore making them want to join the club.

Computer, Internet access
30 Start creating “Resoultions” page

  1. Create the appoperate page for the resoultion page
  2. Make sure the page is in the right formate
  3. Try to finish 1 subpage of the resoultion page

This time in class would help me get started with the resoultion page. The resolution page would be one of the biggest pages that I would have to create, therefore it would take the most time.

HOMEWORK(21/03/2012) 10 Create blog post

  1. Take a screen shot of how far the application has been made
  2. Post on a new blog post
  3. Writie a summary of what has been done today

This blog post is for the pourpose of showing evidience that the product is created by me. It also gives me a chance to state the modifications that has been made to the plan from this third lesson.

Computer, Internet access
4(26/03/2012) 70 Close to finishing “Resoultion” page

  1. Finish off the first sub page if not done so last lesson already
  2. Start working on the other subpages and try to complete
  3. Aim to finish the page at the end of the lesson

This whole lesson would be dedicated for my resoultion page. It is the biggest page in my entire application also it contains a lot of information so it is important to get it right.

Computer, Internet access
10 Create blog post

  1. Take a screen shot of how far the application has been made
  2. Post on a new blog post
  3. Writie a summary of what has been done today

This blog post is for the pourpose of showing evidience that the product is created by me. It also gives me a chance to state the modifications that has been made to the plan from this fourth lesson.

5(28/03/2012) 20 Finish “Resolution” Page  

  1. Add any extra details into the resoultion page
  2. Should be finished with the page at the end of this 20 minutes session

I aim by the end of this 20 minutes, that I would be finished with the resolution page. This gives me a total of 120 minutes or 2 hours of class time to work on it.

Computer, Internet access 
50 Start creaing “MUN Prepeartion” page

  1. Start making the MUN preperation page
  2. Research or gather any information on this topic
  3. Try to complete 1 sub page

This 50 minutes section of the class would be used to

10 Create blog post

  1. Take a screen shot of how far the application has been made
  2. Post on a new blog post
  3. Writie a summary of what has been done today

This blog post is for the pourpose of showing evidience that the product is created by me. It also gives me a chance to state the modifications that has been made to the plan from this fifth lesson.

HOMEWORK(optional) Finish “Resolution” page if not done so already  If the resoultion page isnt complete by the end of lesson 5, then it becomes homework, no extra time in class can be wasted on this. Computer, Internet access
6(30/03/2012) 60 Finish “MUN Prepeartaion” page

  1. Add details and other information to the page
  2. Finish the page

By the end of this 60 minutes, my aim is to have finished the page. If not done so it shall be homework.

Computer, Internet access 
20 Start to create “Picture” and “Glossary” page

  1. Open the new pages
  2. Make sure they are in the right format
  3. Add information to the pages

These two pages are the easiest to make out of all the pages, therefore it should take a long time to complete.

10 Create blog post

  1. Take a screen shot of how far the application has been made
  2. Post on a new blog post
  3. Writie a summary of what has been done today

This blog post is for the pourpose of showing evidience that the product is created by me. It also gives me a chance to state the modifications that has been made to the plan from this sixth lesson.

HOMEWORK(optional) Finish “MUN Prepeartion” page if not done so already If the MUN Preperation isn’t complete by the end of lesson 6, then it becomes homework, no extra time in class can be wasted on this. Computer, Internet access
7(04/04/2012) 20 Finish “Picture” and “Glossary” page 

  1. Add final pictures and words to pages
  2. Complete pages by the end of this time

By the end of this 20 minutes, the picures and glossary page should be complete.

Computer, Internet access 
20 Add finishing touches to any of the pages

  1. Add extra information to any pages
  2. Change layout of pages

In this time, some extra information could be added to any of the pages. Also if a layout of a page is incorrect, then it could be corrected.

40 Ask suggestions from peers

  1. Ask student to test out application
  2. Grade it against the design specifications
  3. Receive feedback

This short 40 minute time frame would be used for me to gain feedback from the target audience about what needs to be improved inorder to create a more successful application. I would also grade the application against the design specifications that has been created.




10 Create blog post

  1. Take a screen shot of how far the application has been made
  2. Post on a new blog post
  3. Writie a summary of what has been done today


This blog post is for the pourpose of showing evidience that the product is created by me. It also gives me a chance to state the modifications that has been made to the plan from this sixth lesson.

Computer, Internet access

Caught up  A holiday starts from the 6th of April till the 17th of April, this would be a time to caught up with anything that I have fallen behind on. Computer, Internet access
HOMEWORK(optional) Ask more target audience for their feedback 

  1. Go around asking target audience
  2. Grade it against the design specifications
  3. Receive feedback

This time would be used to gather more feed back from the target audience. Try to aim for the audience at both ends.

Computer, Internet access
8(19/04/2012) 50 Update application using feedback given 

  1. Final modification
  2. Download application to mobile device
  3. Test application out

This time would be used for making the last few modifications to my application using the feedback that I have recived. Also, downloading the application onto a mobile device would help me check the formating out.


Computer, Internet access
20 Start publishing application  

  1. Click on the publishing tab
  2. Follow steps to publish application

This is the final stage of creating a sucessful application is to publish the application. This way the application can be used by the public.

10 Create blog post

  1. Take a screen shot of how far the application has been made
  2. Post on a new blog post
  3. Writie a summary of what has been done today

This blog post is for the pourpose of showing evidience that the product is created by me. It also gives me a chance to state the modifications that has been made to the plan from this eighth lesson.

9(23/04/2012) 50 Finish Publishing Application  

  1. Follow the instructions given
  2. Publish Application
  3. Download Application

This time is used to finish off the publishing process of the application.

Computer, Internet access
30 Try Application out on mobile device  

  1. Install the application to a moble device
  2. Test out if everything works
  3. Enjoy the application

This is the final stage of my create. It is to download it onto a mobile device so that it can be used.


In my opinion, the plan would work very well and the homework time in-between would help me keep with my plan if I have fallen behind. Also the Songkran break would come to my advantage, because to my knowledge I won’t be going anywhere so it is a good time to catch up with my plan. Some problematic places in my plan would come in the last few lessons, when publishing the application. This is when the program that I am using is most likely to crash. So to prepare for this a lot of time has been given to publish the application. I think that is the biggest problem that would arise. Small problems would also be related to the program that I am using. The program might sometimes malfunction therefore causing so issues. But these problems can be solved easily so work can continue on.

1 thought on “Technology- Relaunch Plan

  1. You have devised a fairly logical plan but it is lacking a few details which could make it difficult for someone else to follow it easily.
    You have shown clear, critical evaluation of your plan.
    You have effectively explained any changes you have made to your design.

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